Diploma recognition

I would like to get my qualifications recognized in Belgium. How should I proceed?

There are several procedures. The most suitable procedure in your situation will depend on various criteria, such as: the study level of your diploma, your professional goal and the language community of Belgium in which you would like to live or develop professionally. ;

Please note that there are special procedures for certain groups (i.e. refugees).

In order to get to the right procedure, click at each step on the box that corresponds to your situation.

The Francophone qualifications framework is an instrument that facilitates the evaluation and comparison of qualifications by positioning them on a scale from basic level (level 1) to the most advanced level (level 8), by referring the certified learning outcomes to the generic descriptors for each level. You can find more information on the Francophone register website

Check the education system
mon diplome - pic by heylagostechie on Unsplash

1Select a level of education and a type of recognition

2Your procedure

Medical / paramedical diplomas – higher education

The specific recognition of a higher education diploma in the medical field, proves that you have acquired abroad the qualifications required to get the academic title of your profession in Belgium.

How to choose between the French-speaking and the Dutch-speaking procedure? We advise you to choose the linguistic community where you live and/or where you plan to develop professionally. If you are based in Brussels, you may have the choice between both procedures.


Select the following options if you are:

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee status or subsidiary protection status.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection, temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form and a special procedure for asylum seekers or refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and receive counselling from Actiris/VDAB or one of its partners (including bon and CIRE), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

First step:

  • Colour copy of the original diploma;
  • Colour copy of possible intermediate diploma.s;
  • Copy of the original transcripts, for each year of study;
  • Copy of both sides of the identity card or a birth certificate;
  • The official and detailed study programme.

Second step, following the instructions from the administration :

  • The full schedule of the study programme
  • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
  • The thesis (in case of a Master’s degree)
  • If possible, employment certificates in the field of study
  • Optionally, your diploma supplement
  • Your CV
  • A brief motivation letter
  • The  application form (2 pages to download online)
  • Proof of payment, or possible proof of exemption from payment

Document format: PDF. For details, see “Remarks”!

Certified copy Sworn translation
  • Copy of the diploma
  • Copy of possible intermediate diploma.s
  • Copy of the transcripts, for each year of study
  • Copy of your Belgian ID or of your passport
  • Your official and detailed study programme
  • The full schedule of the study programme
  • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
  • The thesis (in case of a Master’s degree)
  • If possible, employment certificates in the field of study
  • Optionally, your diploma supplement
  • Your CV (compulsory for Medicine)
  • The specific application form for healthcare professions
  • If possible, proof of exemption from payment
Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure


Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the originals are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French of the diploma and the transcripts.

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and of the transcripts in one of the four accepted languages.

The sworn translations must be done in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online submission via the FWB website, in 3 steps:

  1. Create your personal account online (preferably Firefox or Chrome browser). Possible with or without identity document.
  2. Submit your request online, by logging into your account, and upload the documents required (See 1st step).
  3. Complete your application online, following the instructions received from the administration (documents required at 2nd step).

Contact: equi.sup@cfwb.be

Online submission on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact: naric@vlaanderen.be

Online guidance



If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


In stages, you will receive from “noreply-cama@etnic.be”:

  1. An email confirming that your request has been received
  2. An email inviting you to loggin to your online account, where a message (in “discussion”) will explain the possibilities of recognition for your diploma, and how to complete your file.
  3. An email acknowledgement of receipt, confirming that your application has been finalized.

Once your file is complete, the legal maximum time for processing your application is 2 months (examination of the application) + 40 days (decision making and issuance).

This decision will be sent to you by post, but it should be available also on your online account.

4 months

Uses of a recognition

If your diploma is not European (out of the EEA), a specific recognition is required for the exercise of your profession. In that case, once the diploma recognition has been obtained (as well as the approval which follows automatically), you have to apply for the so-called “visa” or permit to practice, to the FPS Public Health.

If your degree is European (EEA), a diploma recognition is in principle not necessary. We speak of “professional recognition” (DIR EU 2005/6): you can directly request an authorisation to the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. The authorisation to practice follows automatically, once the authorization has been obtained.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

If your diploma is not European (from out of the EEA), the specific recognition of your diploma is necessary for the practice of your profession. In that case, once the diploma recognition has been obtained (as well as the accreditation which follows automatically), you have to apply for the so-called “visa” or authorisation to practice, to the FPS Public Health.

If your degree is European (EEA), a diploma recognition is in principle not necessary. We speak of “professional recognition” (DIR EU 2005/6): you can directly request an accreditation to the Agentschap Zorg & Gezondheid. The authorisation to practice (“visa”) follows automatically, once the authorization has been obtained.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):

Internally: If a material error has occurred during the processing of a file (an incorrect name on the decision, documents that have been forgotten, etc.). Submit a request for review to NARIC-Vlaanderen. Send a registered letter to Naric-Vlaanderen within 30 days of receiving the letter containing NARIC’s decision.

It is also possible to appeal against the decision by sending a registered letter to the Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen within 30 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC-Vlaanderen’s decision.

Externally: Send a registered letter to the Council of State with a copy to NARIC-Vlaanderen within 60 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC’s decision. Your application must be signed by yourself or by a lawyer.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee status or subsidiary protection status.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

First step:

  • Colour copy of the original diploma;
  • Colour copy of possible intermediate diploma.s;
  • Copy of the original transcripts, for each year of study;
  • Copy of both sides of the identity card or a birth certificate;
  • The official and detailed study programme.

Second step, following the instructions from the administration :

  • The full schedule of the study programme
  • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
  • The thesis (in case of a Master’s degree)
  • If possible, employment certificates in the field of study
  • Optionally, your diploma supplement
  • Your CV
  • A brief motivation letter
  • The  application form (2 pages to download online)
  • Proof of payment, or possible proof of exemption from payment

Document format: PDF. For details, see “Remarks”!

Cost of the procedure

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the originals are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French of the diploma and the transcripts.

Submitting the request

Online submission via the FWB website, in 3 steps:

  1. Create your personal account online (preferably Firefox or Chrome browser). Possible with or without identity document.
  2. Submit your request online, by logging into your account, and upload the documents required (See 1st step).
  3. Complete your application online, following the instructions received from the administration (documents required at 2nd step).

Contact: equi.sup@cfwb.be



In stages, you will receive from “noreply-cama@etnic.be”:

  1. An email confirming that your request has been received
  2. An email inviting you to loggin to your online account, where a message (in “discussion”) will explain the possibilities of recognition for your diploma, and how to complete your file.
  3. An email acknowledgement of receipt, confirming that your application has been finalized.

Once your file is complete, the legal maximum time for processing your application is 2 months (examination of the application) + 40 days (decision making and issuance).

This decision will be sent to you by post, but it should be available also on your online account.

Uses of a recognition

If your diploma is not European (out of the EEA), a specific recognition is required for the exercise of your profession. In that case, once the diploma recognition has been obtained (as well as the approval which follows automatically), you have to apply for the so-called “visa” or permit to practice, to the FPS Public Health.

If your degree is European (EEA), a diploma recognition is in principle not necessary. We speak of “professional recognition” (DIR EU 2005/6): you can directly request an authorisation to the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. The authorisation to practice follows automatically, once the authorization has been obtained.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection, temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form and a special procedure for asylum seekers or refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and receive counselling from Actiris/VDAB or one of its partners (including bon and CIRE), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • Copy of the diploma
  • Copy of possible intermediate diploma.s
  • Copy of the transcripts, for each year of study
  • Copy of your Belgian ID or of your passport
  • Your official and detailed study programme
  • The full schedule of the study programme
  • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
  • The thesis (in case of a Master’s degree)
  • If possible, employment certificates in the field of study
  • Optionally, your diploma supplement
  • Your CV (compulsory for Medicine)
  • The specific application form for healthcare professions
  • If possible, proof of exemption from payment
Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure


Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and of the transcripts in one of the four accepted languages.

The sworn translations must be done in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online submission on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact: naric@vlaanderen.be

Online guidance



If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


4 months

Uses of a recognition

If your diploma is not European (from out of the EEA), the specific recognition of your diploma is necessary for the practice of your profession. In that case, once the diploma recognition has been obtained (as well as the accreditation which follows automatically), you have to apply for the so-called “visa” or authorisation to practice, to the FPS Public Health.

If your degree is European (EEA), a diploma recognition is in principle not necessary. We speak of “professional recognition” (DIR EU 2005/6): you can directly request an accreditation to the Agentschap Zorg & Gezondheid. The authorisation to practice (“visa”) follows automatically, once the authorization has been obtained.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: If a material error has occurred during the processing of a file (an incorrect name on the decision, documents that have been forgotten, etc.). Submit a request for review to NARIC-Vlaanderen. Send a registered letter to Naric-Vlaanderen within 30 days of receiving the letter containing NARIC’s decision.

It is also possible to appeal against the decision by sending a registered letter to the Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen within 30 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC-Vlaanderen’s decision.

Externally: Send a registered letter to the Council of State with a copy to NARIC-Vlaanderen within 60 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC’s decision. Your application must be signed by yourself or by a lawyer.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

2Your procedure

Primary education

The recognition of the certificate of primary education proves that you have completed your primary studies abroad and obtained what corresponds in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles to the CBE (“Certificat d’Études de Base”) and in the Flemish Community to the “Getuigschrift Basisonderwijs”.

Select the following options if you are:

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

If you do not have all the required documents, you can report it to the administration, which may under certain conditions be able to accept your application on the basis of your refugee status or subsidiary protection.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.


I am a refugee
I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • A certified copy of the transcripts for the last three years
  • A certified copy of the diploma or of the certificate of schooling
  • The request form
  • A copy of the Belgian ID or a birth certificate
  • The original proof of payment
Certified copy Sworn translation

This procedure does not exist at Naric because a CEB recognition is not required by the Flemish Community, neither for employment nor for studies.

Sworn translation

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French.

Submitting the request

Paper format, by registered mail or on site, by appointment only (appointments are not possible during the COVID period).

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Service Equivalences pour l’enseignement obligatoire
Rue Adolphe Lavallée 1
1080 Bruxelles

E-mail: equi.oblig@cfwb.be


The original academic transcript is required for the following countries: Cameroon, DR Congo, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, China and Rwanda.

Minors who have not completed primary school do not have to request a diploma recognition to continue their studies.


About 1 month

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of primary education in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles may be useful when applying for a job in the public sector or for professional training. It can also be useful for minors willing to pursue secondary studies.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: request of the reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered letter to the FWB, within 30 days of the decision.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

If you do not have all the required documents, you can report it to the administration, which may under certain conditions be able to accept your application on the basis of your refugee status or subsidiary protection.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • A certified copy of the transcripts for the last three years
  • A certified copy of the diploma or of the certificate of schooling
  • The request form
  • A copy of the Belgian ID or a birth certificate
  • The original proof of payment

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French.

Submitting the request

Paper format, by registered mail or on site, by appointment only (appointments are not possible during the COVID period).

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Service Equivalences pour l’enseignement obligatoire
Rue Adolphe Lavallée 1
1080 Bruxelles

E-mail: equi.oblig@cfwb.be


The original academic transcript is required for the following countries: Cameroon, DR Congo, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, China and Rwanda.

Minors who have not completed primary school do not have to request a diploma recognition to continue their studies.


About 1 month

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of primary education in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles may be useful when applying for a job in the public sector or for professional training. It can also be useful for minors willing to pursue secondary studies.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: request of the reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered letter to the FWB, within 30 days of the decision.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):


I am a refugee
I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

This procedure does not exist at Naric because a CEB recognition is not required by the Flemish Community, neither for employment nor for studies.

Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure

Accepted languages

Submitting the request



Uses of a recognition

Possibilities of appeal

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

2Your procedure

Incomplete Secondary Education

The recognition of incomplete secondary education proves that you have completed part of your secondary studies abroad, and have obtained what corresponds to:

  • in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the first degree certificate (2nd secondary – CE1D), the second degree certificate (4th secondary – CE2D) or the Qualification Certificate (CQ6 or CE6P).
  • in the Flemish Community, the Getuigschrift Eerste Graad, Tweede Graad of Derde Graad (BSO) Secundair Onderwijs.

How to choose between the French-speaking and the Dutch-speaking procedure? We advise you to choose the linguistic community where you live and/or where you plan to develop professionally. If you are based in Brussels, you may have the choice between both procedures.

Select the following options if you are:

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

If you do not have all the required documents, you can report it to the administration, which may under certain conditions be able to accept your application on the basis of your refugee status or subsidiary protection.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form for asylum seekers or refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and receive counselling from Actiris/VDAB or one of their partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  •  A certified copy of the transcripts (original documents required for some countries)
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or a birth certificate
  • Optionally, a document proving that your application is aimed at finding a job or a vocational training (priority treatment)
  • The request form
  • The original proof of payment

Documents format : Paper

Certified copy Sworn translation
  • A simple copy of the transcripts
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or of your passport
  • Possible exemption of payment

Documents format : PDF

Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure


Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in the integration program of bon.

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the original documents (transcripts) are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French.

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the originals are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma (in Dutch) and of the transcripts (in one of the four accepted languages).

The sworn translation of the diploma must be done in Dutch, by a sworn translator in Belgium.

Submitting the request

By registered mail.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Service Equivalences pour l’enseignement obligatoire
Rue Adolphe Lavallée 1
1080 Bruxelles

E-mail: equi.oblig@cfwb.be

Online procedure on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact: naric@vlaanderen.be

Online guidance


Original documents are required for the following countries: Cameroon, DR Congo, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, China and Rwanda.

There is a special procedure for minors who do not have the documents: request for recognition without documents (just ID).

The diploma recognition is not required for students who are eligible for Daspa (Program for Reception and Schooling of Newly Arrived Pupils).

If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


2 to 8 weeks

1 to 2 months

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of partial secondary studies in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles may be useful when applying for a job in the public sector or for professional training. It can also be useful for minors willing to pursue secondary studies.

The recognition of partial secondary studies in the Flemish Community can be useful when searching for a job (in particular in the public sector).

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request a review of the decision (examination errors, new elements): by registered mail to the FWB, within 30 days of the decision.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):

Internally: to request reconsideration (examination errors) / revision (new elements) of the decision: by registered mail to Naric, within 30 days of the decision / by email to the file manager, within 6 months of the decision.

Externally: to appeal the decision (disagreement with reasons): Council of State

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

If you do not have all the required documents, you can report it to the administration, which may under certain conditions be able to accept your application on the basis of your refugee status or subsidiary protection.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  •  A certified copy of the transcripts (original documents required for some countries)
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or a birth certificate
  • Optionally, a document proving that your application is aimed at finding a job or a vocational training (priority treatment)
  • The request form
  • The original proof of payment

Documents format : Paper

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the original documents (transcripts) are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French.

Submitting the request

By registered mail.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Service Equivalences pour l’enseignement obligatoire
Rue Adolphe Lavallée 1
1080 Bruxelles

E-mail: equi.oblig@cfwb.be


Original documents are required for the following countries: Cameroon, DR Congo, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, China and Rwanda.

There is a special procedure for minors who do not have the documents: request for recognition without documents (just ID).

The diploma recognition is not required for students who are eligible for Daspa (Program for Reception and Schooling of Newly Arrived Pupils).


2 to 8 weeks

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of partial secondary studies in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles may be useful when applying for a job in the public sector or for professional training. It can also be useful for minors willing to pursue secondary studies.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request a review of the decision (examination errors, new elements): by registered mail to the FWB, within 30 days of the decision.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form for asylum seekers or refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and receive counselling from Actiris/VDAB or one of their partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • A simple copy of the transcripts
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or of your passport
  • Possible exemption of payment

Documents format : PDF

Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure


Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in the integration program of bon.

Accepted languages

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the originals are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma (in Dutch) and of the transcripts (in one of the four accepted languages).

The sworn translation of the diploma must be done in Dutch, by a sworn translator in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online procedure on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact: naric@vlaanderen.be

Online guidance


If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


1 to 2 months

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of partial secondary studies in the Flemish Community can be useful when searching for a job (in particular in the public sector).

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration (examination errors) / revision (new elements) of the decision: by registered mail to Naric, within 30 days of the decision / by email to the file manager, within 6 months of the decision.

Externally: to appeal the decision (disagreement with reasons): Council of State

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

2Your procedure

Complete Secondary Education

The recognition of a diploma of completed secondary education proves that you have completed your secondary studies abroad and have obtained what corresponds in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles to the upper secondary education certificate (CESS) or in the Flemish Community to the Diploma Secundair Onderwijs (Diploma SO).

How to choose between the French-speaking and the Dutch-speaking procedure? We advise you to choose the linguistic community where you live and/or where you plan to develop professionally. If you are based in Brussels, you may have the choice between both procedures.

Please note: if your goal is to start / pursue studies, it is advisable in the first place to find out about the admission requirements, in order to know if a diploma recognition is required and if so, of which diploma and which type.

Select the following options if you are:

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

If you do not have all the required documents, you can report it to the administration, which may under certain conditions be able to accept your application on the basis of your refugee status or subsidiary protection.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection, temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form for asylum seekers or refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and receive counselling from Actiris / VDAB or one of their partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • A certified copy of the diploma
  • A certified copy of the transcript that goes with the diploma
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or a birth certificate
  • The application form
  • If possible, proof of access to higher education (if the diploma is from outside the EU)
  • Optionally, a document proving that your application is aimed at finding a job or a vocational training (priority treatment)
  • The original proof of payment

Documents format : Paper

Certified copy Sworn translation
  • Copy of the diploma
  • Copy of transcripts
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or of your passport
  • Possible exemption of payment

Documents format : PDF

Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure

€90 : level recognition

€180 : specific recognition (i.e. professional qualification)

Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris / VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French of the diploma and the transcripts.

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and the transcripts in one of the 4 accepted languages.

These sworn translations must be done in Belgium.

Submitting the request

By registered mail.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Service Equivalences pour l’enseignement obligatoire
Rue Adolphe Lavallée 1
1080 Bruxelles

E-mail: equi.oblig@cfwb.be

Online procedure on the NARIC-Vlaanderen https://www.naricvlaanderen.be/en website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact : naric@vlaanderen.be  www.naricvlaanderen.be

Online guidance


Original documents are required for: Cameroon, DR Congo, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, China and Rwanda.

An additional form is requested for: Cameroon, DR Congo and France.

If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


1 to 2 months (except in July-August: the procedure may take longer)

1 to 2 months

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of the CESS in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB) is usually required to pursue higher studies. It may also be useful when applying for a job or for professional training.

Please note that if your goal is to continue your studies in the French-speaking community, your request for recognition should be submitted to the FWB.

The recognition of the CESS (or Diploma SO) in the Flemish-speaking community can be useful when searching for a job or for professional training, in Brussels or in Flanders.

This diploma recognition is not required to pursue higher studies in the Flemish Community.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB, within 30 days of the decision.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):

Internally: to request reconsideration (examination errors) / revision (new elements) of the decision: by registered mail to Naric, within 30 days of the decision / by email to the file manager, within 6 months of the decision.

Externally: to appeal the decision (disagreement with reasons): Council of State, with a copy to Naric.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

If you do not have all the required documents, you can report it to the administration, which may under certain conditions be able to accept your application on the basis of your refugee status or subsidiary protection.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • A certified copy of the diploma
  • A certified copy of the transcript that goes with the diploma
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or a birth certificate
  • The application form
  • If possible, proof of access to higher education (if the diploma is from outside the EU)
  • Optionally, a document proving that your application is aimed at finding a job or a vocational training (priority treatment)
  • The original proof of payment

Documents format : Paper

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French of the diploma and the transcripts.

Submitting the request

By registered mail.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Service Equivalences pour l’enseignement obligatoire
Rue Adolphe Lavallée 1
1080 Bruxelles

E-mail: equi.oblig@cfwb.be


Original documents are required for: Cameroon, DR Congo, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, China and Rwanda.

An additional form is requested for: Cameroon, DR Congo and France.


1 to 2 months (except in July-August: the procedure may take longer)

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of the CESS in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB) is usually required to pursue higher studies. It may also be useful when applying for a job or for professional training.

Please note that if your goal is to continue your studies in the French-speaking community, your request for recognition should be submitted to the FWB.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB, within 30 days of the decision.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection, temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form for asylum seekers or refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and receive counselling from Actiris / VDAB or one of their partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • Copy of the diploma
  • Copy of transcripts
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or of your passport
  • Possible exemption of payment

Documents format : PDF

Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure

€90 : level recognition

€180 : specific recognition (i.e. professional qualification)

Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris / VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and the transcripts in one of the 4 accepted languages.

These sworn translations must be done in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online procedure on the NARIC-Vlaanderen https://www.naricvlaanderen.be/en website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact : naric@vlaanderen.be  www.naricvlaanderen.be

Online guidance


If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


1 to 2 months

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of the CESS (or Diploma SO) in the Flemish-speaking community can be useful when searching for a job or for professional training, in Brussels or in Flanders.

This diploma recognition is not required to pursue higher studies in the Flemish Community.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration (examination errors) / revision (new elements) of the decision: by registered mail to Naric, within 30 days of the decision / by email to the file manager, within 6 months of the decision.

Externally: to appeal the decision (disagreement with reasons): Council of State, with a copy to Naric.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

2Your procedure

Certified nurse or nursing assistant – Secondary

The recognition of a diploma of completed paramedical secondary studies, proves that you have completed your secondary studies abroad and acquired the qualifications required to have the academic title of nursing assistant or certified nurse in Belgium.

How to choose between the French-speaking and the Dutch-speaking procedure? We advise you to choose the linguistic community where you live and/or where you plan to develop professionally. If you are based in Brussels, you may have the choice between both procedures.

Select the following options if you are:

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

If you do not have all the required documents, you can report it to the administration, which may under certain conditions be able to accept your application on the basis of your refugee status or subsidiary protection.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection, temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form for asylum seekers or refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker and receive counselling from Actiris / VDAB or one of their partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • A certified copy of the paramedical diploma
  • A certified copy of the transcripts
  • If possible, a certified copy of the secondary studies diploma
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or a birth certificate
  • The basic application form
  • The specific form for paramedical professions
  • A copy of the official
  • and detailed study programme
  • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
  • If possible, employment certificates
  • Possibly, a job search certificate (from Actiris, Forem, VDAB)
  • The original proof of payment

Documents format : Paper

Certified copy Sworn translation
  • A copy of the diploma
  • A copy of transcripts, for each year of study
  • A copy of a Belgian ID or of your passport
  • The specific form for healthcare professions
  • A copy of the official and detailed study programme
  • The full schedule of the programme
  • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
  • If possible, employment certificates
  • Possible exemption from payment

Documents format : PDF

Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure


Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French of the diploma and the transcripts.

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and the transcripts in one of the four accepted languages.

The sworn translations must be done in Belgium.

Submitting the request

By registered mail.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Service Equivalences pour l’enseignement obligatoire
Rue Adolphe Lavallée 1
1080 Bruxelles

E-mail: equi.oblig@cfwb.be

Online procedure on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact:  naric@vlaanderen.be  www.naricvlaanderen.be

Online guidance 




Original documents are required for: Cameroon, DR Congo, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, China and Rwanda.

If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


4 months

4 months

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of your nursing assistant diploma or certified nurse diploma is a prerequisite for the exercise of your profession in Belgium, if the diploma is not European (EEA). In that case, once recognition has been obtained (as well as the accreditation that follows automatically), the next step is to apply for the “visa” or authorisation to practice, to the FPS Public Health.

If your degree is European (EEA), diploma recognition is in theory not necessary. We speak of “professional recognition” (DIR EU 2005/6): you can directly request an accreditation to the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. The authorisation to practice follows automatically, once the accreditation has been obtained.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

The recognition of your nursing assistant diploma or your certified nurse diploma is a prerequisite for the exercise of your profession in Belgium, if it is not European (EEA). In that case, once recognition has been obtained (as well as the accreditation that follows automatically), the next step is to apply for the “visa” or authorisation to practice, to the FPS Public Health.

If your degree is European (EEA), diploma recognition is in principle not necessary. We speak of “professional recognition” (DIR EU 2005/6): you can directly request the accreditation to the Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid. The authorisation to practice follows automatically, once the accreditation has been obtained.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB, within 30 days of the decision.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):

Internally: If a material error has occurred during the processing of a file (an incorrect name on the decision, documents that have been forgotten, etc.). Submit a request for review to NARIC-Vlaanderen. Send a registered letter to Naric-Vlaanderen within 30 days of receiving the letter containing NARIC’s decision.

It is also possible to appeal against the decision by sending a registered letter to the Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen within 30 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC-Vlaanderen’s decision.

Externally: Send a registered letter to the Council of State with a copy to NARIC-Vlaanderen within 60 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC’s decision.
Your application must be signed by yourself or by a lawyer.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

If you do not have all the required documents, you can report it to the administration, which may under certain conditions be able to accept your application on the basis of your refugee status or subsidiary protection.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • A certified copy of the paramedical diploma
  • A certified copy of the transcripts
  • If possible, a certified copy of the secondary studies diploma
  • A copy of your Belgian ID or a birth certificate
  • The basic application form
  • The specific form for paramedical professions
  • A copy of the official
  • and detailed study programme
  • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
  • If possible, employment certificates
  • Possibly, a job search certificate (from Actiris, Forem, VDAB)
  • The original proof of payment

Documents format : Paper

Accepted languages

French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation in French of the diploma and the transcripts.

Submitting the request

By registered mail.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)
Service Equivalences pour l’enseignement obligatoire
Rue Adolphe Lavallée 1
1080 Bruxelles

E-mail: equi.oblig@cfwb.be


Original documents are required for: Cameroon, DR Congo, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, China and Rwanda.


4 months

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of your nursing assistant diploma or certified nurse diploma is a prerequisite for the exercise of your profession in Belgium, if the diploma is not European (EEA). In that case, once recognition has been obtained (as well as the accreditation that follows automatically), the next step is to apply for the “visa” or authorisation to practice, to the FPS Public Health.

If your degree is European (EEA), diploma recognition is in theory not necessary. We speak of “professional recognition” (DIR EU 2005/6): you can directly request an accreditation to the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. The authorisation to practice follows automatically, once the accreditation has been obtained.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB, within 30 days of the decision.

Externally: appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection, temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form for asylum seekers or refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker and receive counselling from Actiris / VDAB or one of their partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • A copy of the diploma
  • A copy of transcripts, for each year of study
  • A copy of a Belgian ID or of your passport
  • The specific form for healthcare professions
  • A copy of the official and detailed study programme
  • The full schedule of the programme
  • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
  • If possible, employment certificates
  • Possible exemption from payment

Documents format : PDF

Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure


Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and the transcripts in one of the four accepted languages.

The sworn translations must be done in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online procedure on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact:  naric@vlaanderen.be  www.naricvlaanderen.be

Online guidance 




If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


4 months

Uses of a recognition

The recognition of your nursing assistant diploma or your certified nurse diploma is a prerequisite for the exercise of your profession in Belgium, if it is not European (EEA). In that case, once recognition has been obtained (as well as the accreditation that follows automatically), the next step is to apply for the “visa” or authorisation to practice, to the FPS Public Health.

If your degree is European (EEA), diploma recognition is in principle not necessary. We speak of “professional recognition” (DIR EU 2005/6): you can directly request the accreditation to the Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid. The authorisation to practice follows automatically, once the accreditation has been obtained.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: If a material error has occurred during the processing of a file (an incorrect name on the decision, documents that have been forgotten, etc.). Submit a request for review to NARIC-Vlaanderen. Send a registered letter to Naric-Vlaanderen within 30 days of receiving the letter containing NARIC’s decision.

It is also possible to appeal against the decision by sending a registered letter to the Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen within 30 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC-Vlaanderen’s decision.

Externally: Send a registered letter to the Council of State with a copy to NARIC-Vlaanderen within 60 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC’s decision.
Your application must be signed by yourself or by a lawyer.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

2Your procedure

Level recognition – Higher education

The level recognition proves the level of study to which corresponds your higher education diploma (eg. Graduate, Bachelor, Master or PhD), but does not recognize your field of study (eg. Biology, History, Journalism,…).

How to choose between the French-speaking and the Dutch-speaking procedure? We advise you to choose the linguistic community where you live and/or where you plan to develop professionally. If you are based in Brussels, you may have the choice between both procedures.

Select the following options if you are:

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee status, subsidiary or temporary protection status.

There is an additional form for refugees who do not have all the required documents. Please note that only a level recognition can be obtained with this procedure.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary/temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form for refugees or asylum seekers who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and receive counselling from Actiris / VDAB or one of their partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • First step:
    • Colour copy of the original diploma;
    • Colour copy of possible intermediate diploma.s.
    • Copy of the original transcripts, for each year of study;
    • Copy of both sides of the identity card or a birth certificate;
    • Optionally, your diploma supplement
  • Second step, following the instructions from the administration :
    • Your CV
    • A brief motivation letter
    • The application form (2 pages to download online)
    • Proof of payment, or possible proof of exemption from payment

Document format: PDF. For details, see “Remarks”!

Certified copy Sworn translation
  • Copy of the diploma;
  • Copy of possible intermediate diploma.s;
  • Copy of the transcripts, for each year of study;
  • Copy of a Belgian ID or of your passport;
  • Copy of the thesis (for Master’s degree);
  • Optionally, the diploma supplement;
  • Possible exemption from payment
Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure

€150:  countries receiving official development assistance recognised by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
€200: other countries
€65: post-Bologna European diplomas and diplomas that are subject of case-law (both EU and non-EU)

Free for: recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary and temporary protection.

€ 90

Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

French, English.

If the originals of the diploma and transcripts (or even the diploma supplement) are in another language, provide a sworn translation in French or English.

You can translate other documents yourself.

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the originals are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and the transcripts in one of the four accepted languages.

The sworn translations must be done in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online submission via the FWB website, in 3 steps:

  1. Create your personal account online (preferably Firefox or Chrome browser). Possible with or without identity document.
  2. Submit your request online, by logging into your account, and upload the documents required (see 1st step).
  3. Complete your application online, following the instructions received from the administration (documents required at 2nd step).

Contact: equi.sup@cfwb.be


Online submission on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact : naric@vlaanderen.be    www.naricvlaanderen.be

Online guidance


  • If you encounter any technical problems, contact the ETNIC helpdesk at 02 800 10 10.
  • Points of attention when uploading the requested documents:
    • PDF format only
    • 1 PDF for each requested document (1 PDF for diploma, 1 PDF for transcripts, …). The translation is always attached to the same PDF as the translated document).
    • Documents must have a title (ex/ “diploma”, “passport”,…)
    • Maximum size of 25 Mb per document (if more, compress)
  • Benelux diplomas: if you obtained your diploma in the Netherlands or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the level of your diploma is automatically recognized. Therefore you do not need to request an equivalence. Please note that this automatic recognition does not apply to your field of study.
  • Are you planning to continue your studies? Start by asking the university/higher education institution of your choice if you need a recognition, and if so, which one.


The thesis is only required for the recognition of a Master level, not for the Bachelor or BES.

The thesis must have been completed alone. The summary of the thesis must be 5 to 10 pages long and include: the research framework (topic), the method used, the conclusions and the bibliography.

Naric is also responsible for the recognition of PhD, but only a specific recognition is possible.

If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


In stages, you will receive from “noreply-cama@etnic.be”:

  1. An email confirming that your request has been received
  2. An email inviting you to loggin to your online account, where a message (in “discussion”) will explain the possibilities of recognition for your diploma, and how to complete your file.
  3. An email acknowledgement of receipt, confirming that your application has been finalized.

Once your file is complete, the legal maximum time for processing your application is 2 months (examination of the application) + 40 days (decision making and issuance).

This decision will be sent to you by post, but it should be available also on your online account.

2 months

Uses of a recognition

A level recognition can be useful when looking for a job that is not specific to your field of study. It will be required to work in the public sector.

It may also be useful in order to pursue higher studies; or possibly replace the CESS for entering higher studies.

Note: if your goal is to resume / pursue studies, it is advisable to check the admission requirements for the chosen studies, in order to know whether a diploma recognition is necessary (and if so, of which degree and type).

Level recognition can be useful when looking for a job that is not specific to your field of study. It will be required to work in the public sector.

Note: if your goal is to resume / pursue studies, it is advisable to check the admission requirements for the chosen studies, in order to know whether a diploma recognition is necessary (and if so, of which diploma and type).

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB.

Externally: to appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):

Internally: If a material error has occurred during the processing of a file (an incorrect name on the decision, documents that have been forgotten, etc.). Submit a request for review to NARIC-Vlaanderen. Send a registered letter to Naric-Vlaanderen within 30 days of receiving the letter containing NARIC’s decision.

It is also possible to appeal against the decision by sending a registered letter to the Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen within 30 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC-Vlaanderen’s decision.

Externally: Send a registered letter to the Council of State with a copy to NARIC-Vlaanderen within 60 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC’s decision. Your application must be signed by yourself or by a lawyer.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee status, subsidiary or temporary protection status.

There is an additional form for refugees who do not have all the required documents. Please note that only a level recognition can be obtained with this procedure.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • First step:
    • Colour copy of the original diploma;
    • Colour copy of possible intermediate diploma.s.
    • Copy of the original transcripts, for each year of study;
    • Copy of both sides of the identity card or a birth certificate;
    • Optionally, your diploma supplement
  • Second step, following the instructions from the administration :
    • Your CV
    • A brief motivation letter
    • The application form (2 pages to download online)
    • Proof of payment, or possible proof of exemption from payment

Document format: PDF. For details, see “Remarks”!

Cost of the procedure

€150:  countries receiving official development assistance recognised by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
€200: other countries
€65: post-Bologna European diplomas and diplomas that are subject of case-law (both EU and non-EU)

Free for: recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary and temporary protection.

Accepted languages

French, English.

If the originals of the diploma and transcripts (or even the diploma supplement) are in another language, provide a sworn translation in French or English.

You can translate other documents yourself.

Submitting the request

Online submission via the FWB website, in 3 steps:

  1. Create your personal account online (preferably Firefox or Chrome browser). Possible with or without identity document.
  2. Submit your request online, by logging into your account, and upload the documents required (see 1st step).
  3. Complete your application online, following the instructions received from the administration (documents required at 2nd step).

Contact: equi.sup@cfwb.be



  • If you encounter any technical problems, contact the ETNIC helpdesk at 02 800 10 10.
  • Points of attention when uploading the requested documents:
    • PDF format only
    • 1 PDF for each requested document (1 PDF for diploma, 1 PDF for transcripts, …). The translation is always attached to the same PDF as the translated document).
    • Documents must have a title (ex/ “diploma”, “passport”,…)
    • Maximum size of 25 Mb per document (if more, compress)
  • Benelux diplomas: if you obtained your diploma in the Netherlands or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the level of your diploma is automatically recognized. Therefore you do not need to request an equivalence. Please note that this automatic recognition does not apply to your field of study.
  • Are you planning to continue your studies? Start by asking the university/higher education institution of your choice if you need a recognition, and if so, which one.



In stages, you will receive from “noreply-cama@etnic.be”:

  1. An email confirming that your request has been received
  2. An email inviting you to loggin to your online account, where a message (in “discussion”) will explain the possibilities of recognition for your diploma, and how to complete your file.
  3. An email acknowledgement of receipt, confirming that your application has been finalized.

Once your file is complete, the legal maximum time for processing your application is 2 months (examination of the application) + 40 days (decision making and issuance).

This decision will be sent to you by post, but it should be available also on your online account.

Uses of a recognition

A level recognition can be useful when looking for a job that is not specific to your field of study. It will be required to work in the public sector.

It may also be useful in order to pursue higher studies; or possibly replace the CESS for entering higher studies.

Note: if your goal is to resume / pursue studies, it is advisable to check the admission requirements for the chosen studies, in order to know whether a diploma recognition is necessary (and if so, of which degree and type).

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB.

Externally: to appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary/temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form for refugees or asylum seekers who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and receive counselling from Actiris / VDAB or one of their partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • Copy of the diploma;
  • Copy of possible intermediate diploma.s;
  • Copy of the transcripts, for each year of study;
  • Copy of a Belgian ID or of your passport;
  • Copy of the thesis (for Master’s degree);
  • Optionally, the diploma supplement;
  • Possible exemption from payment
Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure

€ 90

Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the originals are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and the transcripts in one of the four accepted languages.

The sworn translations must be done in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online submission on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact : naric@vlaanderen.be    www.naricvlaanderen.be

Online guidance


The thesis is only required for the recognition of a Master level, not for the Bachelor or BES.

The thesis must have been completed alone. The summary of the thesis must be 5 to 10 pages long and include: the research framework (topic), the method used, the conclusions and the bibliography.

Naric is also responsible for the recognition of PhD, but only a specific recognition is possible.

If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


2 months

Uses of a recognition

Level recognition can be useful when looking for a job that is not specific to your field of study. It will be required to work in the public sector.

Note: if your goal is to resume / pursue studies, it is advisable to check the admission requirements for the chosen studies, in order to know whether a diploma recognition is necessary (and if so, of which diploma and type).

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: If a material error has occurred during the processing of a file (an incorrect name on the decision, documents that have been forgotten, etc.). Submit a request for review to NARIC-Vlaanderen. Send a registered letter to Naric-Vlaanderen within 30 days of receiving the letter containing NARIC’s decision.

It is also possible to appeal against the decision by sending a registered letter to the Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen within 30 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC-Vlaanderen’s decision.

Externally: Send a registered letter to the Council of State with a copy to NARIC-Vlaanderen within 60 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC’s decision. Your application must be signed by yourself or by a lawyer.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

2Your procedure

Specific recognition – Higher education

The specific recognition proves the level and the field of study to which corresponds your higher education diploma (eg: Bachelor in Accounting or Master in Biology).

How to choose between the French-speaking and the Dutch-speaking procedure? We advise you to choose the linguistic community where you live and/or where you plan to develop professionally. If you are based in Brussels, you may have the choice between both procedures.



Select the following options if you are:

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee status, subsidiary or temporary protection status.

There is an additional form for refugees who do not have all the required documents. Please note that only a level recognition can be obtained with this procedure.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection, temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form and a special procedure for refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and get counselling from Actiris/VDAB or one of its partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • First step:
    • Colour copy of the original diploma
    • Copy of the original transcripts, for each year of study
    • Colour copy of possible intermediate diploma.s
    • Copy of both sides of the identity card or passport
    • The official and detailed study programme
    • Your CV
  • Second step, following the instructions from the administration :
    • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
    • The thesis (+ a summary if the original is not written in French or English)
    • If possible, employment certificates in the field of study
    • Optionally, your diploma supplement
    • A brief motivation letter
    • The application form (2 pages to download online)
    • Proof of payment, or possible proof of exemption from payment

Document format: PDF. For details, see “Remarks”!

Certified copy Sworn translation
  • Copy of the diploma
  • Copy of possible intermediate diploma.s
  • Copy of the transcripts, for each year of study
  • Copy of a Belgian identity document or your passport
  • The official and detailed study programme
  • The thesis in case of a Master’s degree (+ a summary if the original is not written in French or English)
  • Internship certificates
  • Employment certificates
  • Optionally, diploma supplement
  • Possible exemption from payment
Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure

€150:  countries receiving official development assistance recognised by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
€200: other countries

Free for: recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary and temporary protection.


Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in the bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

French, English.

If the originals of the diploma and transcripts (or even the diploma supplement) are in another language, provide a sworn translation in French or English.

You can translate other documents yourself.

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and the transcripts in one of the four accepted languages.

The sworn translations must be done in Dutch in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online submission via the FWB website, in 3 steps:

  1. Create your personal account online (preferably Firefox or Chrome browser). Possible with or without identity document.
  2. Submit your request online, by logging into your account, and upload the documents required (see 1st step).
  3. Complete your application online, following the instructions received from the administration (documents required at 2nd step).

Contact: equi.sup@cfwb.be


Online procedure on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact: naric@vlaanderen.be

Online guidance


If you encounter any technical problems, contact the ETNIC helpdesk at 02 800 10 10.

Points of attention when uploading the requested documents:

    • PDF format only
    • 1 PDF for each requested document (1 PDF for diploma, 1 PDF for transcripts, …). The translation must be attached to the same PDF as the translated document).
    • Documents must have a title (ex/ “diploma”, “passport”,…)
    • Maximum size of 25 Mb per document (if more, compress)

Benelux diplomas: if you obtained your diploma in the Netherlands or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the level of your diploma is automatically recognized. Therefore you do not need to request an equivalence. Please note that this automatic recognition does not apply to your field of study.

The summary of your dissertation in French should include: the introduction, the conclusion, table of contents, bibliography, and a summary of the development

If proof of internship is missing, proof of employment in the field of study in question may be attached to the file.

Are you planning to continue your studies? Start by asking the university/higher education institution of your choice if you need an equivalence, and if so, which one.

A request for specific recognition for a PhD must be addressed to a university in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

The thesis is only required for the recognition of a Master’s or PhD level, not for Bachelor or BES (Certificate of Higher Education).

The thesis must have been completed alone. The summary of the thesis (if required) must be 5 to 10 pages long and include: the research framework (topic), the method used, the conclusions and the bibliography.

Naric is also responsible for the specific recognition of PhD in the Flemish Community.

If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


In stages, you will receive from “noreply-cama@etnic.be”:

  1. An email confirming that your request has been received
  2. An email inviting you to loggin to your online account, where a message (in “discussion”) will explain the possibilities of recognition for your diploma, and how to complete your file.
  3. An email acknowledgement of receipt, confirming that your application has been finalized.

Once your file is complete, the legal maximum time for processing your application is 2 months (examination of the application) + 40 days (decision making and issuance).

This decision will be sent to you by post, but it should be available also on your online account.

4 months

Uses of a recognition

The specific recognition can be useful when looking for a job in your field of study. If your diploma is not European (except EEA), this recognition will be required for the exercise of a regulated profession involving a higher education level.

The specific recognition is also required to access the “Agrégation” (teaching qualification – upper secondary education) or a third cycle of studies.

If your plan is to exercise a regulated liberal profession in Belgium, in addition to the diploma recognition, you will have to apply for an authorisation to practice, to the authority responsible for your profession.

Please note that the diploma recognition is not necessary (in principle) if your diploma is European (EEA). You can then directly request an authorisation to practice, to the competent authority for your profession.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

The specific recognition can be useful when looking for a job in your field of study. If your diploma is not European (except EEA), this recognition will be required for the exercise of a regulated profession involving a higher education level.

The specific recognition is also required to access the “Verkorte Educational Bachelor” (teaching qualification).

If your plan is to exercise a regulated liberal profession in Belgium, in addition to the diploma recognition, you will have to apply for an authorisation to practice, to the authority responsible for your profession.

Please note that the diploma recognition is not necessary (in principle) if your diploma is European (EEA). You can then directly request an authorisation to practice, to the competent authority for your profession.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB.

Externally: to appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):

Internally: If a material error has occurred during the processing of a file (an incorrect name on the decision, documents that have been forgotten, etc.). Submit a request for review to NARIC-Vlaanderen. Send a registered letter to Naric-Vlaanderen within 30 days of receiving the letter containing NARIC’s decision.

It is also possible to appeal against the decision by sending a registered letter to the Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen within 30 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC-Vlaanderen’s decision.

Externally: Send a registered letter to the Council of State with a copy to NARIC-Vlaanderen within 60 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC’s decision. Your application must be signed by yourself or by a lawyer.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee status, subsidiary or temporary protection status.

There is an additional form for refugees who do not have all the required documents. Please note that only a level recognition can be obtained with this procedure.

I am registered in Actiris

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • First step:
    • Colour copy of the original diploma
    • Copy of the original transcripts, for each year of study
    • Colour copy of possible intermediate diploma.s
    • Copy of both sides of the identity card or passport
    • The official and detailed study programme
    • Your CV
  • Second step, following the instructions from the administration :
    • Records of internships (specifying content, number of hours, location, tasks)
    • The thesis (+ a summary if the original is not written in French or English)
    • If possible, employment certificates in the field of study
    • Optionally, your diploma supplement
    • A brief motivation letter
    • The application form (2 pages to download online)
    • Proof of payment, or possible proof of exemption from payment

Document format: PDF. For details, see “Remarks”!

Cost of the procedure

€150:  countries receiving official development assistance recognised by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
€200: other countries

Free for: recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary and temporary protection.

Accepted languages

French, English.

If the originals of the diploma and transcripts (or even the diploma supplement) are in another language, provide a sworn translation in French or English.

You can translate other documents yourself.

Submitting the request

Online submission via the FWB website, in 3 steps:

  1. Create your personal account online (preferably Firefox or Chrome browser). Possible with or without identity document.
  2. Submit your request online, by logging into your account, and upload the documents required (see 1st step).
  3. Complete your application online, following the instructions received from the administration (documents required at 2nd step).

Contact: equi.sup@cfwb.be



If you encounter any technical problems, contact the ETNIC helpdesk at 02 800 10 10.

Points of attention when uploading the requested documents:

    • PDF format only
    • 1 PDF for each requested document (1 PDF for diploma, 1 PDF for transcripts, …). The translation must be attached to the same PDF as the translated document).
    • Documents must have a title (ex/ “diploma”, “passport”,…)
    • Maximum size of 25 Mb per document (if more, compress)

Benelux diplomas: if you obtained your diploma in the Netherlands or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the level of your diploma is automatically recognized. Therefore you do not need to request an equivalence. Please note that this automatic recognition does not apply to your field of study.

The summary of your dissertation in French should include: the introduction, the conclusion, table of contents, bibliography, and a summary of the development

If proof of internship is missing, proof of employment in the field of study in question may be attached to the file.

Are you planning to continue your studies? Start by asking the university/higher education institution of your choice if you need an equivalence, and if so, which one.

A request for specific recognition for a PhD must be addressed to a university in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.


In stages, you will receive from “noreply-cama@etnic.be”:

  1. An email confirming that your request has been received
  2. An email inviting you to loggin to your online account, where a message (in “discussion”) will explain the possibilities of recognition for your diploma, and how to complete your file.
  3. An email acknowledgement of receipt, confirming that your application has been finalized.

Once your file is complete, the legal maximum time for processing your application is 2 months (examination of the application) + 40 days (decision making and issuance).

This decision will be sent to you by post, but it should be available also on your online account.

Uses of a recognition

The specific recognition can be useful when looking for a job in your field of study. If your diploma is not European (except EEA), this recognition will be required for the exercise of a regulated profession involving a higher education level.

The specific recognition is also required to access the “Agrégation” (teaching qualification – upper secondary education) or a third cycle of studies.

If your plan is to exercise a regulated liberal profession in Belgium, in addition to the diploma recognition, you will have to apply for an authorisation to practice, to the authority responsible for your profession.

Please note that the diploma recognition is not necessary (in principle) if your diploma is European (EEA). You can then directly request an authorisation to practice, to the competent authority for your profession.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: to request reconsideration / revision of the decision (examination errors, new elements or disagreement with reasons): by registered mail to the FWB.

Externally: to appeal against the decision (disagreement with reasons):


I am a refugee

The procedure is free of charge if you can provide proof of your refugee, subsidiary protection, temporary protection or asylum seeker status.

There is an additional form and a special procedure for refugees who do not have all the required documents.

I am registered in Actiris

The recognition procedure is free of charge if you are registered at Actiris or VDAB as a full-time unemployed jobseeker, and get counselling from Actiris/VDAB or one of its partners (including bon and CIRÉ), in order to find a job.

We organize information sessions for jobseekers registered at Actiris. See the dates of our next information sessions in our Agenda.

Required documents

  • Copy of the diploma
  • Copy of possible intermediate diploma.s
  • Copy of the transcripts, for each year of study
  • Copy of a Belgian identity document or your passport
  • The official and detailed study programme
  • The thesis in case of a Master’s degree (+ a summary if the original is not written in French or English)
  • Internship certificates
  • Employment certificates
  • Optionally, diploma supplement
  • Possible exemption from payment
Sworn translation

Cost of the procedure


Free for: jobseekers registered at Actiris or VDAB, beneficiaries of the CPAS, asylum seekers, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, beneficiaries of increased interventions (BIM / VIPO) and participants in the bon integration programme.

Accepted languages

Dutch, French, English, German.

If the original documents are in a different language, you will have to provide a sworn translation of the diploma and the transcripts in one of the four accepted languages.

The sworn translations must be done in Dutch in Belgium.

Submitting the request

Online procedure on the NARIC-Vlaanderen website, in three steps :

  1. Identify the appropriate procedure, thanks to the online questionnaire
  2. Create your personal account online (via Itsme, lecteur ID ou token)
  3. Apply online through the account you created and insert the required documents in PDF

Contact: naric@vlaanderen.be

Online guidance


The thesis is only required for the recognition of a Master’s or PhD level, not for Bachelor or BES (Certificate of Higher Education).

The thesis must have been completed alone. The summary of the thesis (if required) must be 5 to 10 pages long and include: the research framework (topic), the method used, the conclusions and the bibliography.

Naric is also responsible for the specific recognition of PhD in the Flemish Community.

If you do not have the possibility to use Itsme or a eID, you can create your online account with an alternative digital key. In order to activate a such key, please make an appointment with a « bureau local d’enregistrement » (Population service within various Communes).


4 months

Uses of a recognition

The specific recognition can be useful when looking for a job in your field of study. If your diploma is not European (except EEA), this recognition will be required for the exercise of a regulated profession involving a higher education level.

The specific recognition is also required to access the “Verkorte Educational Bachelor” (teaching qualification).

If your plan is to exercise a regulated liberal profession in Belgium, in addition to the diploma recognition, you will have to apply for an authorisation to practice, to the authority responsible for your profession.

Please note that the diploma recognition is not necessary (in principle) if your diploma is European (EEA). You can then directly request an authorisation to practice, to the competent authority for your profession.

For more information, see Useful links: Exercising a regulated profession.

Possibilities of appeal

Internally: If a material error has occurred during the processing of a file (an incorrect name on the decision, documents that have been forgotten, etc.). Submit a request for review to NARIC-Vlaanderen. Send a registered letter to Naric-Vlaanderen within 30 days of receiving the letter containing NARIC’s decision.

It is also possible to appeal against the decision by sending a registered letter to the Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen within 30 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC-Vlaanderen’s decision.

Externally: Send a registered letter to the Council of State with a copy to NARIC-Vlaanderen within 60 days of receipt of the letter containing NARIC’s decision. Your application must be signed by yourself or by a lawyer.

German-speaking community :

It is also possible to submit a recognition request to the German-speaking Community if you live or have a professional project in this region of Belgium.

For more information, visit the website of Ostbelgien.

A question?