Validation of prior Experience – VAE

Do you want to enter higher education but don’t have the required diploma (DSO, CESS or its recognition)? If you have several years’ experience in the field in which you wish to study, you can have this recognised in French-speaking higher education via a Valorisation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE).

This will give you access to the studies you want, and you can even obtain exemptions to shorten the duration of your studies.

At Flemish Community educational establishments, you can have previously acquired skills recognised in the same way. This is known as EVC.

Previously acquired diplomas, certificates, experience, voluntary work, etc. are known as previously acquired qualifications or VA/EVK.

French-speaking schools of “Promotion Sociale” have two systems of validation: Valorisation des Acquis (VA, without the E) and VAE.






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