Find a vocational training course

Vocational training in Belgium is a set of programmes and schemes designed to train and qualify individuals for specific occupations. These courses are designed to meet the needs of the labour market and can be taken by young people, adults undergoing retraining, jobseekers or workers wishing to upgrade their skills.

Here is an overview of the different types of vocational training available in Belgium:

Promotion sociale education :

promotion sociale in Belgium is an education system aimed primarily at adults who wish to return to education or improve their skills in a particular field. It provides recognised qualifications, ranging from basic certificates to university-level diplomas.

IFAPME and SFPME courses :

IFAPME or SFPME is a network of organisations in Belgium offering work-linked and continuing training, mainly for young people, adults and the self-employed.

VDAB, FOREM and Actiris training courses:

Sectoral training:

Sectoral training courses in Belgium offer workers/jobseekers the opportunity to upgrade their skills, retrain or meet new market requirements, while supporting the competitiveness of companies and the growth of the sectors concerned. Sectoral certification is organised by the sector in question in collaboration with work-linked training (SYNTRA Vlaanderen, IFAPME, IAWN), education and job-seeker training bodies (VDAB, FOREM and Bruxelles Formation).

In-company training :

In-company training is essential for developing employees’ skills and keeping organisations competitive. It enables companies to meet the challenges of the labour market and maintain a skilled and motivated workforce. In-company training enables jobseekers to learn a trade, complete a work placement and gain new experience in a professional environment. There are a number of grants and projects to support in-company training.



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